My first few days here I felt like I was setting up my life again. I needed to find doctors for little miss and myself. She obviously needed a pediatrician and I needed an OB/GYN and an endocrinologist. My thyroid needs constant attention like a socialite needs the paparazzi. I needed to find a preschool that doesn't cost $7000 a semester, this task is harder than you think. I have never been anywhere where parents are SO obsessed over PRESCHOOL! I don't even remember much of my preschool and I don't think it contributed to where I went to college or what I did for my career. Anyway, I found someone at my church running a "Joy school" program from her home, $60, done! Little miss is an extremely active and energetic child, she is constantly busy. Running,jumping, and building forts and castles out of blankets, chairs, and pillows. No matter what I do I cannot seem to ever expend enough of her energy, even after mine is well spent. All this energy unfortunately leads to crazy behavior and trouble listening and following rules. As a first time mom to a three year old it is amazing how much harder life has gotten since she turned three in June. Discipline is a sensitive subject in general, and unfortunately Dr. J and I differ on some disciplinary practices. Anyway, back to setting up life.
A huge part of me is fitness, you wouldn't think it to look at me, I'm not particularly svelte or stacked with muscles, I know they're under there, I feel them, I just have residual evidence of child birth left around the middle. I'm not huge by any means just a tad thick at the moment. My #1 objective since moving here 2 weeks ago was to find a gym. I chose New York Sports Clubs and have been pretty happy with it thus far. They're clean, lots of machines, a nice play area for little miss, and somewhat competent personal trainers. Now I have EXTREMELY high standards and expectations for a personal trainer or fitness leader of any kind. They have to be smarter than me. As former trainer myself, a medical professional, and having a degree in Exercise Science and surgical technology, they just simply have to have a greater knowledge of body mechanics, anatomy, and they must be up on the newest training techniques and equipment. I had a session with a trainer last Wednesday and I must say I wasn't super impressed. I have been incredibly spoiled with some amazing trainers back in Oregon. He was competent with what he knew, but when I started showing him new exercises and different things you could do with a TRX, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to continue with him. I'll stick to classes and cardio machines.
After getting all this set up it is the day to day routine I am currently figuring out. Dr.J's program officially begins tomorrow and he should start getting busier and busier with work. He's been home a lot over the past two weeks and as much as I love him, it kind of throws a wrench in the routine I'm trying to cultivate with my little girl and it's starting to drive me nuts. I'm super happy when he comes home a 5:30, but before then is my time. Preschool starts next week and we have that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Other mornings will be spent at the gym and while she's in school I'll run in Fort Tryon Park. We mom's have to squeeze workouts in whenever we can.
The grocery store is an interesting experience. I had no idea, but the grocery stores literally only have groceries. If you want shampoo, or deodorant, or in some cases diapers and wipes, you have to go to a pharmacy, like Rite aid or Duane Reade. At lease this is how it is in Washington heights. There is Target, one in the Bronx, and one in East Harlem. East Harlem also has a Costco, but to get there I have to take the A train one stop, transfer to the 1 train and take that to 86th, then wait for a cross town bus, and then walk 3 blocks in Harlem. Thankfully they have a car service to take you home! I was surprised how HARD everything is here. This is not me whining, its true, even simple errands take a considerable amount of effort and planning. I miss my old Fred Meyer store 5 minutes from my house in Oregon. I could get groceries, toys, toiletries, and clothes for little miss all in an hour's time. Life is definitely going to be vastly different over the next few years.
I'm so glad you set up a blog! I've been wondering what life in NY was going to be like for you!